In the event of an emergency, please contact the practice as early in the day as possible. This will enable us to see that you are treated at the earliest possible opportunity. In most cases this will be the same day.
Our opening hours are: Monday to Thursday 8:45am – 5:15pm and Fridays 8:45 am – 4:45pm
Out Of Hours emergencies
If you have an emergency when the practice is closed please call us on 02380 240 230 where you will be given a number to call for our out of hours service. If you would prefer not to use this service, you can leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as the practice reopens.
Outlined below are a few helpful guides to assist you when dealing with dental emergencies. If you are experiencing severe pain, are feeling unwell, or are otherwise concerned, then please get in touch with our emergency service by calling 02380 240 230 as soon as possible.
Accidental Damage to Teeth from Trauma
If a baby tooth has been knocked out completely or pushed up into the gum, please don’t panic. Usually a big hug, reassurance and pain relieving medication will see you through until you can get to see us. It is, however, very important that you contact us as soon as possible as this will need careful monitoring.
Adult teeth that have cracked or chipped and are not too uncomfortable will usually be fine until we reopen. Contact us as soon as possible and we will be able to help.
If the accident is more serious, please visit the A&E department of your local hospital. It may occasionally be possible to save teeth that have been completely knocked out – the best chance of doing this is if the tooth is stored in either the person’s mouth or in milk until you reach hospital. In all cases, please contact us to arrange a follow up appointment.
Broken Tooth/Lost Filling
Often a broken tooth or lost filling feels much worse and larger than it actually is. Try not to worry. Keep the area clean to avoid food trapping and keep your tongue away from any sharp edges. Contact us at your earliest convenience to arrange an appointment.
Lost Crown
Please ensure you keep the crown in a safe place until you can come to see us, and contact us at your earliest convenience. If the tooth is sensitive or unsightly, your local pharmacist will be able to supply you with a temporary crown cement. Please do not use any other type of glue as this could prevent us from being able to re-cement the crown for you.
Painful Wisdom Teeth
If the area is swollen around your wisdom tooth, this may be due to food trapping under the piece of gum that covers the emerging wisdom tooth. This can cause swelling and prevent you from fully opening your mouth. Please try to keep the area clean with a toothbrush and use some Chlorhexidine mouthwash from your pharmacist. Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to control the discomfort and contact the practice if this doesn’t settle. If you have severe swelling or trouble swallowing please go to your local A&E department as soon as possible.